NASN Benefits


The purpose of the Nebraska School Nurses Association (NSNA) is to maintain, promote, and advance quality school health services and health education throughout the state and to promote the interest and rights of its members.

Membership → NASN Benefits

NASN Membership

Educational Programs
Resources & Research
Advocacy & Outreach

Register at discounted rates to attend the NASN Annual Conference .

Participate in one of our Live Continuing Education Programs at reduced member costs.

Enroll in one of the many modules on our Online Continuing Education Learning Center for free or at a reduced fee.

Continue your education with support from our Educational Advancement Awards.

Be a new member and automatically qualify for our New Member Annual Conference Scholarship.

Shop in the NASN Bookstore where items have special prices for members.

Receive a subscription to the Journal of School Nursing (JOSN); published bi-monthly, peer-reviewed and featuring original research articles. Indexed in MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, PsychINFO, and Scopus.

Receive a subscription to the NASN School Nurse; the official clinical journal of NASN published in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Read the Weekly Digest e-news communication; published weekly to keep members connected to NASN and the latest issues in school nursing.

Get assistance in documenting and publishing trends with our Research Grants and Awards.

Have your voice heard by national policy-makers, organizations and agencies in support of school nursing issues and child health needs. Learn more about NASN's policy and advocacy efforts .

Support your passion for advocacy. Apply for our Advocacy Education Award.

Network with your colleagues on one or more of our subspecialty Discussion Lists.

Be a member of the Private and Parochial School Nurses' special interest group, the Consortium of School Nurse Educators special interest group, or the Special Needs School Nurses special interest group at no extra fee.

Receive e-communications from NASN to keep you informed of time sensitive news and information for your practice.

Take advantage of NASN's partnership with Vision Service Plan by applying for their Sight for Students program (program administered by Vision Service Plan).

Learn more about the group savings offered to NASN members for personal insurance from Liberty Mutual .

Learn more about professional liability insurance plans offered to NASN members at group rates. Program administered by Marsh Affinity Group Services .

Listen to NASN Radio online or subscribe to the podcast and hear experts discussing topics you care about. NASN has partnered with BAM Radio Network to bring these radio segments.

Receive savings off prescription drug pricing with NASN's Discount Rx Program. The program is designed as a stand-alone benefit program but it may also be used as a supplement for insured prescription plans to discount non-covered prescriptions.